Hot tub folliculitis (Hot Tub Rash) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hot Tub Rash Picture

Hot Tub Rash

Hot tub folliculitis (also known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis) is a common type of folliculitis, a condition which causes inflammation of the hair follicle.[1]:272

This condition is caused by an infection of hair follicles due to the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacteria is commonly found in hot tubs, water slides, and such places. Children are more prone to this because they usually stay in the water longer than adults. Hot tub folliculitis appears on the skin in the form of a rash, roughly resembling chicken pox and then developing further to appear as a pimple. Hot tub follicultis can be extremely painful and/or itchy, and left alone without scratching will go away much more quickly. If the rash is aggravated, it can stay, worsen, and spread lasting for months. By that point it is much more difficult to treat. The dots usually go away after about 7 to 10 days, but the condition leaves a hyperpigmented lesion that goes away after a few months.

Legionella is another bacteria associated with hot tub folliculitis.

Normally, the rash does not need specific treatment and will go away on its own. Antibiotics may be prescribed in some cases. If the rash continues to appear longer than the 7 to 10 day time period, a physician should be consulted. Folliculitis that is not treated properly could worsen and cause abscesses.

See also

via Hot tub folliculitis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Dermatopedia | A Dermatology guide and database for Patients » Hot Tub Folliculitis

Hot tub folliculitis is an itchy, red, bumpy rash that occurs within 1-4 days of bathing in a hot tub, whirlpool, or public swimming pool. As water temperature rises, changes occur in the amount of free chlorine.

This alters the ability of the chlorine to kill bacteria, and the bacteria then grow. The most commonly associated bacteria is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacteria infect the hair follicles and cause red bumps and pus or pimple like bumps to develop.

Areas that are typically affected include the sides of the torso, armpits, buttocks, arms, thighs and breasts. Earaches, sore throat, headache, fever and malaise have been associated with the rash. Rarely, the infection can spread to the blood.


The rash tends to go away on its own without treatment in 7-14 days, but sometimes antibiotics may be applied to the skin or taken by mouth to hasten resolution of the rash. Preventative measures include water filtration, automatic chlorination to maintain free chlorine at 1 ppm, maintaining water pH between 7.2 and 7.8, and changing water.


James WD, Berger TG, Elson DM. Andrews’ diseases of the skin: clinical dermatology, 10th edition. Saunders, 2005.

Angela Leo, D.O.

Department of Dermatology

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine/Frankford Hospital

Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia.

via Dermatopedia | A Dermatology guide and database for Patients » Hot Tub Folliculitis.


Jacuzzi Covers

PVC Red 6-7 Seater Jacuzzi Spa Cover Johannesburg

Jacuzzi Covers

Jacuzzi Thermostat

Jacuzzi Thermostat

Jacuzzi Thermostat

Jacuzzi Thermostats are an important part of the Jacuzzi puzzle. The Thermostat regulates the temperature and switches the Heating Element on and off.

Jacuzzi Thermostat
Jacuzzi Thermostat

These Thermostats usually have an Built in safety feature. When the Temp is set on say 30 Degrees and you want to turn it up to 40 degrees, you can’t just turn it to 40 Degrees. From 30 Degrees, you need to turn it back to zero and then to 40 Degrees.

Jacuzzi Thermostat
Jacuzzi Thermostat

The best way to test this Thermostat is by turning it from left to right. If it makes a clicking sound, it is most probably fine. If it doesn’t click it might have a problem.

Jacuzzi Waste Valve

Jacuzzi Waste Valve

Note: When draining your Jacuzzi it is important to remember that there is a heating element that might get damaged if not done correctly.

It is an good idea to turn the Jacuzzi Thermostat to zero before attempting to drain your Jacuzzi. If you need professional assistance with draining your Jacuzzi or repairing the waste valve, please Click Here Now!!

The Waste valve is used to drain the water in your Jacuzzi. a White 50 mm pipe is inserted in to the Jacuzzi Waste Valve and then directed to where you want the water to run out.

jacuzzi waste valve
jacuzzi waste valve

Jacuzzi Two-Way and Four-Way Air Switches

jacuzzi Four Way air switches

Jacuzzi Two-Way and Four-Way Air Switches

Jacuzzi Two Way Air Switches are used when there are more than one bellow button on the top of the Jacuzzi Shell. Air Switches are attached to the Bellow Buttons by means of 3 mm Air Pipes. One Switch activates one component.

Jacuzzi Two Way Airswitch
Jacuzzi Two Way Air switch

 Four Way Air Switches are used when there is only one Bellow Button on top of the Jacuzzi Shell. This one Air Switch can activate three different components by continuously pressing it till the desired component is on.

jacuzzi Four Way air switches
Jacuzzi Four Way air switch

In some cases where there are more than one Bellow Button on the Jacuzzi, but the Air Pipe has somehow come loose from the Bellow Button and it cannot be fished out, we will then suggest to the customer to install a four way air switch to solve his problem of switching components on and off from within the Jacuzzi.

Jacuzzi Air Buttons

Jacuzzi Air Buttons

Jacuzzi Flat Air Buttons
Jacuzzi Flat Air Buttons

Flat Jacuzzi Air Buttons are intended for installations where the Pump System is not further than 5 meters from the actual Jacuzzi.

Jacuzzi Mushroom Air Buttons
Jacuzzi Mushroom Air Buttons

Jacuzzi Mushroom Bellows are by far the most popular type of bellow button. This button can effectively activate components up to 10 meters from the Jacuzzi.


Electronic Jacuzzi Bellow Button
Electronic Jacuzzi Bellow Button

Electronic Jacuzzi buttons work up to any distance, but are difficult to find due to most of the major Jacuzzi manufacturers closing down.

Jacuzzi Venturi System

Jacuzzi Venturi Small

Jacuzzi Venturi System

Note: When trying to heat the Jacuzzi it is an good idea to keep this Dial closed at all times, as it sucks Cold Air in to the water channel.

If you need professional assistance with installing your blower please Click Here Now!!

The Jacuzzi Venturi System or better known as an Air Control Dial, is situated on top of your Jacuzzi Shell. When opened, air is sucked in to the water channel, which increases the Jacuzzi Jets Pressure tremendously.

Jacuzzi Venturi Small
Jacuzzi Venturi Small
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