Jacuzzi Two-Way and Four-Way Air Switches

Jacuzzi Two-Way and Four-Way Air Switches

Jacuzzi Two Way Air Switches are used when there are more than one bellow button on the top of the Jacuzzi Shell. Air Switches are attached to the Bellow Buttons by means of 3 mm Air Pipes. One Switch activates one component.

Jacuzzi Two Way Airswitch
Jacuzzi Two Way Air switch

 Four Way Air Switches are used when there is only one Bellow Button on top of the Jacuzzi Shell. This one Air Switch can activate three different components by continuously pressing it till the desired component is on.

jacuzzi Four Way air switches
Jacuzzi Four Way air switch

In some cases where there are more than one Bellow Button on the Jacuzzi, but the Air Pipe has somehow come loose from the Bellow Button and it cannot be fished out, we will then suggest to the customer to install a four way air switch to solve his problem of switching components on and off from within the Jacuzzi.

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